It is easy to get lost.

When I was reading books on machine learning several weeks ago I felt fulfilled every day and knew what to do next with a clear target that was to finish those book from cover to cover. After the reading job is over, I should have started to design my project. I first switched my reading from books to related papers, yet the protocol writing part has not started which I feel maybe a little behind the timetable. Sometimes I even feel lost that I don’t know what to do next. On one hand, I feel time is enough for me to draft the protocol which actually is not. On the other hand, it is the uncertainty that stopped me from writing. I am a little skeptical about the feasibility of my project and not sure if the paper about model comparing would be accepted by journals. I would sometimes encourage myself that great work oftentimes don’t have a clear happy ending and I can still pivot during the course of exploring. As long as I am following the right path and my heart, all things I am longing for will come eventually.

I watched 2 videos from law Prof.Luo Xiang today, both of which are quite touching. When he talked about choosing majors in college, I specifically resonate with the idea that we would always feel regret about our choice when hardship and emotional pressure overwhelm.

Knowing even Luo Xiang would have the same feeling of frustration makes me feel relieved and all I need to do is to keep walking, not quit.