We can make the most of our physical exercise when we are fasting. So I am practising running before eating from several days ago and feel good about myself. Actually I learned about this idea from Taleb’s book “Antifragile”. He said in his book that ancient human did not have food to eat until they worked hard to catch one prey, thus they had practiced before they ate. Recently, I watched a video about one man fasting for 72 hours and still exercising during the 3 days. He tested his blood glucose level frequently during his fast, yet there was nothing wrong in his body condition and measurements. That consolidated my willingness to put this into practice when back to Shanghai. The idea that I would take subway and walk for about 1km to work makes me feel excited especially thinking of myself wearing those fast-drying shirts I bought in the U.S.. That is like making food more delicious by putting them into special bowls.

Writing is hard. Thinking that I would need to write daily reflection today gives me pressure and I would make it the last task to finish for the day. I think that is just like what I wrote one time about the stock investing that it’s a all right you blame yourself for not having bought more, because that means you just made a right investment. So when I feel writing is hard means I am a bad writer though I tried hard to read, to recite, yet I did not practice writing enough. That is just how it ought to be folding out. If I feel happy about writing then I don’t need to write my daily reflections now and all would become contradictory. Hope I would conquer the frustrated feeling and learn through writing and reading.

I am about to be back to Shanghai. This one year is long and short. Like Hamilton said “I have a million things to do”, I don’t know about myself and it just seems you would always have things planned but unfinished and new plans coming out. Jo is still not replying to me and Tom has not spoken to me for more than a week. I don’t know why. I just miss them.

I am trying hard to write more but it’s hard for me to write more text with real content. It’s totally blank in my mind now. O.K. Let’s not make this curb my enthusiasm to go on practising. See you tomorrow, Chris.