Finally, Youyou kept her promise that is to drive me to the airport although it’s clear she was very unwillingly. But I really have no idea what it is in her mind since she does not want to communicate maybe it’s only to me. But I was really pissed off last night that at 00:25 she sent me a message asking what my flight’s time is and saying she can not get up that early at 7 am. I said what about 7:30. She replied what about 8 and isn’t it only required to arrive at the airport 2 hours earlier. I almost had no words to talk back only sending her a screen shot that it is recommended to reach the airport 3 hours before the flight take off. In the morning, she showed up at 7:38. Maybe it is my fault by asking her too much and it should not be me but her parents to teach her how to talk to people including saying thank you and you’re welcome. Anyway, I should thank her for keeping the promise but the whole experience is not that good.

In comparison to her, Zeno the PhD I stayed with for the last 2 days sent me a good wish message when he saw my WeChat moment and that felt so warm in my heart which made a big contrast to the story above. Anyway, I should not judge people, we all live in our own world and sometimes we are like acting on the stage set by ourselves and nobody else cares. Yet PCA is what I need to do later.

When I was waiting in line for check-in, I saw so many young men and women who all look so smart. They organize themselves well in such a hard time going back to China to make efforts for a living. No one is cleverer than the other. The only two things different from each other are the resources we can get and how diligent we are. How you can make the most out of your resources at hand plus how much you can push yourself into it make the up limit of how far you can reach. Don’t look too far or too high, do what you can do for now and try the hardest as you can. Like the game they talked about, we are like sticking balls to become bigger by sticking to those smaller than us and like how they made that small oxygen machine in Apollo 13. Sometimes we don’t need to have what we thought we should have to achieve our goal and in real life oftentimes we can not be fully equipped.

I am hoping the reflection can help me grow up and forever remember to embed PCA into my life but not like the old Chinese saying when the scar is healed we would always forget the pain inflicted. I need to know what’s important and what’s not necessary. Simple life should not just be a slogan in mouth.

Hope I can bring happier life to you Jo, Tom and Louis. See you in Shanghai. And thank all of you have helped me. I really appreciate it.