Achievement #1

I learned how to use GitHub.

Achievement #2

I learned markdown syntax.

Achievement #3

I met problem when adopting the theme “beautiful-jekyll” and spent almost 48 hours without any progress. I forked the theme on July 29th making changes on it for two straight nights until morning when I had to take 2 hours nap and began my MacLean Center summer intensive lectures at 8 am on the bed turning off the video and kept muted.

I even started a new issue on GitHub which I become familiar with.

Thank you Dean for this beautiful theme. I really like it.

Yet, I encountered one problem when deploying the _site to my server after building.

1. It seems not rendering well.

Both of the problems do not exist when I deploy them on Github.

GitHub repo:

I spent 2 whole days googling and trying to figure it out, but this place is my last resort.

Anyone encounter the same problem? I really like the theme so I don’t want to quit.

Thank you so much.

The author replied immediately:

I’m sorry it’s going to be very very difficult for me to help you

debug a custom server set up, there’s just too many variables at play

there. If I had a lot of time on my hands I would ask you to send me

credentials to your server to troubleshoot, but I’m working on about

a dozen open source projects at the moment (plus my actual work) so

I really don’t have time to dedicate so much time for free help

unfortunately. If I were you I’d try to start again and take small

steps and see when exactly it stops working.

Actually I figured out the problem of improper rendering myself. It was because I did not clean my chrome and since the website runs very well on Safari, ipad, and iphone. I accidentally tried it on Safari and found there is no problem of rendering. So I my google key words turned from css jekyll to css chrome and found the answer on StackOverflow. I would thank the replier so much.

Then Dean’s advice really helped me and I think that is a generally correct pathway to fix any problem that you might feel frustrated and unclear about.

I started over again, and cloned a brand new repo, trying to take every small step cautiously. In the end I do not know what fixed my permalink problem, at least that issue is gone.

But after deploying _site to my own server another issue raised that is I can not return to my main page by clicking title or avatar pic in branch pages since both of the links were pointing to their current folder but not the main page.

By checking the last issue of permalink I learned that one can change baseurl in _config.yml. It seems this trick helps here though it can’t fix my permalink problem. I just need to change the baseurl to "../" every time I want to build _site. But I have to keep baseurl to "" when working locally, otherwise the links rendered in site would be in chaos.

OK, these are my 3 days’ summary of learning website front end development. At last I learned something pretty useful both technically and philosophically.

Let’s keep learning and now it’s time to turn back to machine learning.